Matchmaking @ 18th Silicon Saxony Day

11 Jun 2024 | Dresden, Germany

Alexey Dolbunov


Polyn Technology Ltd

Bristol, United Kingdom

2 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

Hello Everybody! I am a COO of Polyn Technology. I would like to meet prospective partners to fabricate our NASP chips for billions of end customers globally.

About me

My organisation

Polyn Technology Ltd

As the number of all kinds of sensors increases, the data collected by these grows exponentially, requiring ever increasing computational resources to process it.

At Polyn, we are developing Neuromorphic Analog Signal Processing (NASP) technology and Neuromorphic Front End (NFE) chip architecture, which combines AI algorithms and sensors on the same chip.

With NASP, data is pre-processed on a sensor level, reducing its size by 1000 times before being sent for processing. This greatly reduces needs for bandwidth, computational resources and power, and enables the wide implementation of battery-less devices based on energy harvesting. It helps improve efficiency, cut costs and reduce hazardous waste, allowing for comprehensive and continuous monitoring of important parameters.

Our technology combines ultra-low bandwidth communication with ultra-low power consumption, and will allow the development of innovative devices in key sectors with several billion units of potential sales per year.

Social media


  • Microelectronic


  • Microelectronic
  • AI
  • edge

Speaker sessions (1)

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

14:00 - 14:10

Neuromorphic technology and ultra-low-power chips

Location:Microelectronics Island
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Autonomous Systems