Marit Dolmen

Director Process Development


Kristiansand, Norway

1 profile visitSpeaker


My organisation

Elkemis a global leader in advanced and sustainable materials within silicon alloys and microsilica, silicone and carbon products. Our expertise spans in various industries, including materials to the green shift; electronics, solar, wind, construction, and automotive.

Additional questions



Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

08:45 - 17:30

Day 1 - Stakeholders' event

Location:Hall 1
  • Energy Intensive Industries
  • Process4Planet: building blocks for the EU green transition
  • Processes4Planet Partnerships round tables: synergies for a twin transition (
  • Processes4Planet Projects & H4Cs Forum (Parallel Sessions – Part 1)
  • Processes4Planet Projects & H4Cs Forum (Parallel Sessions – Part 2)

Day 1 (23/10) will be an open event with members and other stakeholders.