Wednesday, 23 October 2024 | 08:45 - 17:30

Day 1 - Stakeholders' event

Location:Hall 1
  • Energy Intensive Industries
  • Process4Planet: building blocks for the EU green transition
  • Processes4Planet Partnerships round tables: synergies for a twin transition (
  • Processes4Planet Projects & H4Cs Forum (Parallel Sessions – Part 1)
  • Processes4Planet Projects & H4Cs Forum (Parallel Sessions – Part 2)
43 participants

8h45 Registration & Welcome Coffee 

Event moderator: TBC 

9h15 Welcome and opening (15’) 

Pierre Joris (Domo Chemicals) A.SPIRE President 

9h30 Empowering the green transition (45’) 

Proposed speakers (TBC): EC DG RTD and Industry representative (CEO) 

10h15 The Role of Innovation in the EU Single Market (55’) 

Moderator: Mr Pierre Joris, A.SPIRE President 

Speakers from the EC 

11h10 Coffee break (30’) 

11h40 Sectors dialogue: An industry deal for different regional realities (70’) 

Industry representatives 

12h50 Networking Lunch 

13h50 Synergies for the twin transition (80’) 

Moderator: TBC 

Invited partnerships: Clean Hydrogen and CBE 

Case study 1: Challenges and opportunities in decarbonising Chemmed Cluster in Tarragona (Spain) 

Case study 2: TBC 

15h10 Coffee break (30’) & P4Planet Projects Posters session 

15h40 Processes4Planet Projects & H4Cs Forum  (90’) -  parallel sessions 

  • Emissions Reduction. Moderator: Sophie Wilmet (CEFIC) -tbc 

  • Circularity of resources. Moderator: Richard Heyn (SINTEF) -tbc 

  • Electrification & Energy Efficiency. Moderator: Franz Hörzenberger (ArcelorMittal) – tbc 

17h30 Closing keynote and Networking Cocktail  

With a keynote from a MS and A.SPIRE Board member

1 speaker