2nd Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS

25–26 Apr 2024 | Riga, Latvia

Jonas Harald

Fisheries LAG coordinator, COOL BLUE project coordinator

Aktion Österbotten /FLAG Ostrobothnia

Vasa, Finland

1 profile visitSpeaker

Ostrobothnian Fisheries LAG coordinator and COOL BLUE project koordinator in Finland.

About me

My organisation

Aktion Österbotten /FLAG Ostrobothnia


We are Aktion Österbotten, LAG and FLAG in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Our aim is to promote sustainable development in the costal societies, region's fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Through our networking events and projects, we foster collaboration and innovation among local businesses, ensuring a thriving ecosystem for all stakeholders involved. We are also partners in Horizon project COOL BLUE developing networks, sustainable solutions and business models for regenerative aquaculture.

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 25 April 2024

16:00 - 17:45

Concrete actions towards a more sustainable fisheries management in the Baltic Sea

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 3
  • Sustainable Aquaculture & Fishery

What would be the first steps to achieve a transnational shared understanding on how to better manage fish stocks whilst creating economic opportunities for coastal fisheries?