2nd Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS

25–26 Apr 2024 | Riga, Latvia

Ivana Stojanovic

Team Lead and Senior Project manager


Berlin, Germany

4 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

My organisation

The SUBMARINER Network brings together actors from the Baltic Sea Region to promote innovative and sustainable uses of marine resources to protect our marine environment and promote sustainable economic development. The Network connects authorities, research institutions, civil society, and private companies, to integrate local perspectives into transnational frameworks.

Social media

Speaker sessions (2)

Thursday, 25 April 2024

11:00 - 12:45

Marine Protection in the Eastern Baltic: What is the status quo? Good practices, ongoing challenges, and possible solutions.

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 1
  • Marine Protection Areas | Ocean Policies

This workshop will provide an overview of the status and next steps for marine protection in the Baltic.

Friday, 26 April 2024

09:00 - 10:45

Policy coherence as a platform for better integration of marine conservation in MSP and sectoral policies: Regional pilots and examples

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 1
  • Marine Protection Areas | Ocean Policies

Presentations will address outcomes of different analysis of policy coherence and the work of MSP4BIO Science-Policy Dialogue Think tank.