2nd Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS

25–26 Apr 2024 | Riga, Latvia

Johanna Fox

Director WWF Baltic Sea Programme

WWF Baltic Sea Programme

Stockholm, Sweden

2 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

My organisation

WWF Baltic Sea Programme

WWF Baltic Sea Programme (BSP) is a regional programme of the global WWF network. The Baltic Sea programme consist national WWF offices in Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany and Denmark as well as partner organizations in Estonia (Estonian Fund for Nature), Latvia (Pasaules Dabas Fond) and Lithuania (Lithuaninan Fund for Nature). The programme is lead and coordinated by BSP secretariat in Sweden. WWF Baltic Sea Programme focuses on sustainable fisheries, offshore renewable energy and management of marine activities as well as sustainable agriculture and sustainable blue economy. Our work is carried out by contributing to the governance and policy at the regional and national level and by implementing concrete restoration projects, such as river restoration and dam removal, wetlands and seascape restoration.

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Friday, 26 April 2024

09:00 - 10:45

Policy coherence as a platform for better integration of marine conservation in MSP and sectoral policies: Regional pilots and examples

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 1
  • Marine Protection Areas | Ocean Policies

Presentations will address outcomes of different analysis of policy coherence and the work of MSP4BIO Science-Policy Dialogue Think tank.