Friday 26 April 2024 | 13:30 - 15:00
2nd Mission Arena Assembly Vote on the Arena 2 Region Mission Roadmap
- Mission Ocean & Waters
Join our closing session online via YouTube to vote on the future of the second Mission Arena region!
13:30-13:40 Intro to the Voting Process, Angela Schultz-Zehden: Warm up – Who is in the room? – The ‘BIG’ Picture in the Back
13:40-14:40 Presenting, Voting and Reacting to the Regional Arena 2: Mission Ocean and Waters Roadmap
Joint Panel (on stage):
1. Milla Harju (Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, PA Ship)
2. Fredric Nilsson (Swedish Board of Agriculture, PA Bioeconomy)
3. Maris Stulgis (DG MARE, EU4Algae Initiative)
4. Maria Laamanen (Ministry Environment Finland)
5. Kristine Kedo (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia)
6. Ugis Zanders (CBSS, PA Sustainable and Prosperous Region) t.b.d.
7. Tarmo Ots (Estonian Ministry of Climate, PA Transport) t.b.d.
**Topic Areas (8 minutes per topic):
**Process: 3 minutes pitch by rapporteur, 2 minute voting with one/two expert panel talk in between, 2 minute reaction to vote by panel
1. Shipping / Ports / Marinas (Rapporteur: Martin Sjöberg)
2. Sustainable Fishery (Rapporteur: Vesa Tschernij)
3. Coastal Communities and Tourism (Rapporteur: Liisi Lees)
4. Business Support (Rapporteur: AlbertoTerenzi)
5. Freshwater & Ocean Regeneration (Rapporteur: Anda Ikauniece)
6. Marine Protection / Planning / Policy (Rapporteur: Antti Belinskij SYKE)
14:40-14:55 Overarching Discussion with Panel on Next Resulting Steps
14:55-15:00 General Farewell – Hand Over to Amsterdam
15 speakers
Policy officer Blue Bioeconomy, algae and marine aquaculture
European Commission DG MARE
Head of Spatial Planning Policy Unit
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia
IVL, Swedishonmental Research Institute, Partner BlueMissionBANOS
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institut