Gilda Santos
Technical Project Manager
Project manager of advanced & innovative technical smart textiles projects for defence and protection, including sustainable approaches & eco-design principles
My organisation
About me
Graduated in Textile Engineering (Beira Interior University), she holds a Master in Design & Marketing (Minho University) and is Project Management Professional (PMI/USA) being currently Protection & Defence manager at CITEVE, coordinating national and European projects for new materials, products, and processes, including smart multifunctional textiles for techno fashion, sport, health, protection & defense (EDA, PRT Army, civilian sector). Circular economy and bio-degradable approaches as well as eco-design techniques are being implemented in several disruptive and industrial oriented projects towards a green planet. She is Chair of ESPC - European Society of Protective Clothing and expert of CEN / TC 248 / WG 31 - Smart Textiles, CEN - CENELEC BTWG 8: Protective textiles and personal protective clothing and equipment. Additionally, she was an expert of European Textile Platform within the scope of Textile Flagship for Europe nº5 - Smart textile solutions for functional clothing, wearables and innovative medical technology. For several years NGE of “CapTech Materials and Structures” and “CapTech Land platforms” of EDA, being currently Industry Rapporteur, IR (academia/RTO side) of the 1st one. Within NATO, expert of “Materials and technologies for electro-optical camouflage” research workshop (AVT-371 RWS) and expert of NIAG SG 274 “On Enhancing the security and resilience of supply chains essential to Allied capability development and delivery”, among other study groups.
My organisation
The Technological Centre for the Textile and Clothing Industry of Portugal is a private non-profit organisation that has been active since 1989 being a reference organisation within the national and European scene, regarding research, innovation and technology transfer promotion for the Textile & Clothing Industry. CITEVE’s mission is to support the technical and technological development of the textile & clothing industry, promoting innovation and inducing new capacities and new competences, as well as helping on the definition of industrial public policies.
Speaker sessions (1)
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
11:00 - 13:45
Technological evolution trends relevant to the Army
BeyondComposite, General Dynamics, ETI, Capgemini Portugal, Origami Hub, UAVision, CITEVE, BeyondVision, BAE Systems, Ghosthood, EID;