3Pi competition

23 Sept 2024 | Zurich, Switzerland

23 September 2024

8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Rämistrasse 101

ETH Zurich, Audimax

3Pi competition

Welcome to the 3Pi competition!

Join us at our annual flagship event of the Pioneer Fellowship program - the 3 Pi competition!

12 Pioneer Fellows will compete and pitch their projects in Pi (3.14) minutes each.

The 3Pi competition will take place at ETH Zurich (main building) at the AudiMax and will be followed by a networking apéro at the Dozentenfoyer.


5:10 pm - Guest arrival and check-in

5:30 pm - Welcome note
5:35 pm - Intro and pitching rules
5:40 pm - Pitching battle
7:00 pm - Panel with 3 Pioneer Fellow Alumni
7:15 pm - Winner ceremony

7:20 pm - Networking apéro at Dozentenfoyer (DOZ)
9:00 pm - End of event

Register now (or latest by September 2, 2024) to secure your spot and join us for an unforgettable experience!

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Your ETH Entrepreneurship team

Deatails about the Pioneer Fellowship program can be found here: www.ethz.ch/pioneerfellowship