Adria Security Summit 2023

25–26 Oct 2023 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Thursday, 26 October 2023 | 11:15 - 11:30

PAVA System in Complex Buildings, Integrating Safety and Security Systems

Format:Live streamTrack:Case study
16 participants

This Case-study is about the ongoing PAVA project for a medical clinic buildings complex. Our task is to help our client make a project design with all the documentation, and later to educate them about system programming, setup, and commissioning.

The project started with a single building, and it has continued with several buildings integrated through Audio-over-IP hardware and software.

The most important issue is the integration of the whole PAVA system and other safety and security systems using the MODBUS protocol.

Hosted by

ATEÏS Europe B.V.

Rotterdam, Netherlands

1 speaker

  • Dragan Petrović

    Sales Representative Adria Region, HUN, SVK, CZE

    ATEÏS Europe B.V.