Advanced Materials and Battery Technologies

1–2 Apr 2025 | Dresden, Germany


Ana Margarida Santos

M-ERA.Net WG member at the FCT, Portugal


Lisbon, n.a., Portugal

1 profile visitM-ERA.NET Consortium

Involved in M-ERA.Net WG since 2016, actively involved in the Call 2021 at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Portugal

My organisation



Funding Agency

Lisbon, Portugal

FCT’s mission is to continuously promote the advancement of knowledge in science and technology in Portugal, attain the highest international standards in quality and competitiveness, in all scientific and technological domains, and encourage its dissemination and active role in society and in economic growth. FCT pursues its mission by funding fellowships, studentships and research contracts for scientists, research projects, internationally competitive research centres and state-of-the-art infrastructures, via competitive calls with international peer-review. FCT ensures Portugal’s participation in international scientific organisations, promotes the participation of the scientific community in international projects, and stimulates knowledge transfer between R&D centres and industry. Working closely with international organisations, FCT coordinates public policy for R&D and ensures the development of national scientific computing resources. FCT also provides the institutional framework for the Research Councils.
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About me

Language and Litterature degree, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Joined JNICT/FCT in 1987. Joined M-ERA.Net in 2016 as a WG Member and was involved in the Co-funded call of 2021. Was NCP of the Marie Curie Actions, was involved in the EU Strategy for the Career of the researchers since 2003. Is the PT Euraxess Coordinator, responsible for the Portuguese Euraxess Portal and Network and for the promotion of the mobility of the researchers, both geographical and sectorial.