Advanced Materials and Battery Technologies

1–2 Apr 2025 | Dresden, Germany


Axel Spickenheuer

Department leader at IPF / Professor at HTWD

Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.

Dresden, Germany

1 profile visitSpeakerSpeaker

I'm a material scientist working on extreme lightweight composites made of multi-material composites.

My organisation

Large Molecules - Great Ideas: Fundamental and applied polymer research Polymers enable innovative technologies. For that aim, the research program of the IPF comprises synthesis, characterization and theory of polymers as well as their processing into materials. The institute addresses key questions in the fields of resources, health and information, together with partners in Dresden (research association DRESDEN-concept, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life and others), within the Leibniz Association, and elsewhere. The IPF is organized in five institutes, supported by administration and technical services. Within this frame, a growing number of independent (junior) research groups is also exploring new topics and methods in flexible organizational structures.Technology transfer takes place with industrial partners and through spin-offs: Since 2015, four additional spin-offs of the IPF have emerged, active in the fields of medical technology, nanotechnology and additive manufacturing.
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About me

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Spickenheuer studied aerospace engineering at Technische Universitat Dresden and Nihon University Koriyama, Japan. Since 2005, he has been a scientist at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. (IPF) and in 2010 he was appointed Head of the Workgroup of Complex Structural Components. In 2013, he co-founded the IPF spin-off company Complex Fiber Structures GmbH. Dr. Spickenheuer obtained his PhD in material science in 2014 and was honored in the same year with the WAK Oechsler award for the best PhD thesis. His main research interest is the exploitation of anisotropic composite material properties for extreme lightweight structures by applying variable-axial fiber designs. Since 2021 he is an honored Professor at the University of Applied Science Dresden in the field of Materials and Simulation Techniques.

Social media


  • numerical simulation
  • Composites
  • Extreme lightweight design
  • Tailored Fiber Placement


  • Composites
  • Pressure vessels
  • sporting goods
  • Advanced Materials
  • Design
  • lightweight constructions

Speaker sessions (3)

Tuesday, 1 April 2025

15:00 - 15:15


  • Session 2: Materials innovation adressing challenges in specific diseases

Room Galilei

16:00 - 16:45

Walking coffee break + Poster Session

Format:In-personLocation:Hall Medici / Machiavelli

Poster Session in Room Medici / Maciavelli

Wednesday, 2 April 2025

10:30 - 10:45

Walking coffee break + Poster Session

Format:In-personLocation:Hall Medici / Machiavelli

Poster Session in Room Medici / Maciavelli