Inga Lasenko
assoc. Professor RTU
Riga Technical University
Riga, Latvia Inga Lasenko is an expert in the area of the biotextile and nanotechnology of nanomats.
My organisation
About me
Researcher’s unique identifier: 56897012000 (Scopus)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1554-3078 I.Lasenko has long term scientific skills and experience in Research and experimental development in biotextile and nanotechnology. She is head of the Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory, which has been qualified and received the certificate ISO 9001:2015 (LVRIG89513A) “Scientific research development of environment - friendly materials and biotextile materials”. Inga Lasenko is assoc. Professor, Leading Researcher, an international expert in Textile and Clothing Technologies, main field - Material Science, the author more than 60 scientific publications (, more than 11 EU and domestic patents, more than 25 EU and domestic projects. The Mechanics and Biotextile Research Laboratory has cooperation with a scientific staff from EU higher schools, capable of thinking outside the box and creating potential for innovative products that would have a demand in the market.
Speaker sessions (2)
Tuesday, 1 April 2025
16:00 - 16:45
Walking coffee break + Poster Session
Poster Session in Room Medici / Maciavelli
Wednesday, 2 April 2025
10:30 - 10:45
Walking coffee break + Poster Session
Poster Session in Room Medici / Maciavelli