Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse
University and Research Organisation
www.is2m.uha.frMulhouse, FranceAbout
The Institute of Materials Science of Mulhouse (IS2M) is a joint CNRS-University of Haute-Alsace research unit (UMR 7361). Thanks to its multidisciplinary nature, its scientific impact and its interactions with other fields, the laboratory constitutes one of the structuring forces of the landscape of Materials and their applications in the academic and industrial world, both at the regional and national levels. IS2M has been able to define its identity and acquire an indisputable visibility in the highly competitive international research landscape.
Materials for energyInnovative surfaces, coatings and interfacesFunctional materialsMaterials for environmental applicationsMaterials and technologies for health applicationsModelling and simulation
Batteries in Cluster 5 (HE)