Nicolas Nutal

Program Leader

CRM Group

Liège, Belgium

SpeakerWalloon participant

As program leader of the CRM (Centre for Research in Metallurgy) activities in the field of aerospace, I will be happy to meet you at the LIST/SKYWIN event.


I'm program leader at CRM leading the aerospace portfolio. This includes topics related to additive manufacturing (surface finishing, new alloys, manufacturing of large parts, new alloys development, etc.), sensors (printed electronics, etc.) and heat storage devices. I also manage the esastar/emits calls from ESA.

My organisation

CRM Group is an R&D organization active in the field of metal and steel production with the mission to develop new processes, products and applications. CRM was funded in 1948 to become the collective research Centre for the Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal Industries with laboratories and pilot facilities located at Liège and Gent. CRM Group employs 275 employees and researchers.

At CRM Group, the activities are centered on the production, transformation, coating and use of metallic materials. We offer R&D and technology solutions focusing on the development of innovative processes and products that create value for our industrial partners (51 members in 2021).

CRM is involved in several projects and programs for AEROSPACE and DEFENCE industries allowing CRM to develop an extensive expertise :

  • In the field of hybrid and additive manufacturing :

    • Surface processing of parts made by AM (titanium, aluminium, iron-based alloys, etc.);

    • Development of new titanium alloys for additive manufacturing;

    • New additive manufacturing processes (direct energy deposition; laser and arc deposition methods);

    • New repair processes (direct energy deposition, cold spray, etc.);

  • In the field of functional and printed electronics :

    • Development of integrated sensors on metals;

    • Conductive and non-conductive layers for different applications (anti-icing, oleds, wiring, etc.);

  • In the field of coatings :

    • Thermal spray and HVOF coating systems;

    • Anti-wear or anti-corrosion coatings;

  • In the filed of phase change materials heat storage devices devoted to electronic thermal stability.

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Coatings & Surface TreatmentsControl & MeasurementOther

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 3 October 2024

15:45 - 16:55

Workshop & Pitch Session 2 : Coatings and Surface Treatments

Location:LIST - Belvaux