Africagua Canarias 2023. VIII Water and renewable energy forum

23–24 Nov 2023 | Puerto del Rosario, Spain

eolify SL

Company Palmas, Spain
9 profile visits


eolify S.L. is a startup dedicated to solving future energy supply and to GeoIT planning.
Specialized in Wind Simulations and GeoIT-Solutions.

We offer geotechnical alternative solutions, off-grid technologies (wind, solar), grid-optimizing
possibilities, and various GeoIT services for a greener and more energy-secure future.

Social media

Renewable Energy

Solar energy technologyTechnological solutions for renewable energyWind power technology


Environmental engineering/technologyClimate change

Processes/Value Chain

Digital solutions for renewable energy management (e.g. software,monitoring tools)


Susanne Trommen

CEO & Co-Founder

eolify SL