ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Project cooperationUpdated on 26 February 2024


Manon Levrey

European Project Coordinator at Interface Transport

Lyon, France


Expertise Interface can provide:

  • Results from the ongoing DECARBOMILE HE funded project we are coordinating (Decarbomile | Revolutionizing Last Mile Logistics in Europe)

  • Benchmark of logistics concepts speeding up freight decarbonisation, zero emissions vehicles/vessels and multimodality.

  • Assessment of interoperability of standardised multimodal transport units across transport modes.

  • Economic and environmental assessment of urban logistics centres and their integration into logistics network (re. multimodal transport, fleet utilisation, stock (re-)positioning, etc.).

  • Develop business and governance models of collaborative logistics.

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