Fernando Liesa
Secretary General
Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe
Brussels, Belgium
My main goal is to support members collaboration in innovative projects, facilitate practical collaborations and knowledge exchange
My organisation
About me
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandoliesa/
Dr. Fernando Liesa is Secretary General at ALICE, Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe since its creation in 2013.
Fernando holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering by University of Zaragoza (2004, Spain). Fernando has 20+ years of experience in research, knowledge management and management of triple helix organizations and relationships linked to environmental and chemical engineering, process industries, manufacturing and lately, (+19 years) to logistics and supply chain management.
After his PhD, Fernando worked for the Technology Transfer Office of University of Zaragoza (2004-2006) and then moved to the Zaragoza Logistics Center (MIT Global Scale Network Center) as Knowledge Transfer & External Funding Director (2006 to 2014). He combined this position with the General Management of the Spanish Logistics Technology Platform, LOGISTOP (2007 to 2014). From 2014 to 2016, Fernando worked for ENIDE as Innovation Leader, being full time engaged with ALICE since September 2016.
Fernando is appointed member of the European Commission (DGMOVE) expert groups: Digital Transport and Logistics Forum launched in 2015, of the Cooperative, Connected, Automated and Autonomous Mobility launched in 2019 and Urban Mobility launched in 2022. Fernando has worked for more than 20 years linked to the European Arena and Institutions.
Fernando is proud to have been awarded with the Physical Internet pioneer award in 2017.
My organisation
We are the Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe, a dynamic and forward-thinking organization dedicated to driving innovation in the logistics industry. Our mission is to bring together leading companies, experts, and stakeholders in the logistics sector to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and technological advancements. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to achieve and affordable and smart transition to zero emissions logistics supporting European competitiveness. The key is that goods are transported and delivered more efficiently, sustainable, and economically beneficial for all parties involved. We believe the Physical Internet concept as an enabler for collaboration brings multiple opportunities and benefits.
Areas of Activities
Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024