Giovanni Zenezini
Politecnico di Torino
Torino, Italy
The ResLog research group focuses on last-mile logistics, logistics digital twins and resilient and sustainable supply chains in various industrial sectors.
My organisation
About me
My organisation
Politecnico is among the top European technical Universities for education and research, with 38,700 students and a teaching staff of more than 1,000. Politecnico di Torino has decided to transform itself into a “platform” University expected to be permeable, inclusive, open to the labour market and to industry, with a key role in innovation and lifelong learning. The goal is to become a driving force for a societal sustainable development.
Under the Horizon Europe program Politecnico researchers are currently involved in 123 projects out of 742 submitted proposals, with a 17% success rate.
- Simulation
- Empirical Analysis
- Business Model
- System Dynamics
- City Logistics
- Digital Twin
- Digital Twin
- Last-mile logistics
- End-of-life batteries
- Sustainable and resilient supply chains
Areas of Activities
Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024