ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Mees van der Wiel

Senior International Advisor


Amsterdam, Netherlands

6 profile visits

Passionate about digital innovation in maritime logistics, I want to bring DCSA's expertise in standardisation and harmonisation into interested projects.

My organisation




Amsterdam, Netherlands

DCSA is a non-profit, independent organisation established in 2019 by 9 of the 10 largest container shipping companies. Our mission is to shape the digital future of container shipping by being the industry’s collective voice, working towards alignment and standardisation. By setting frameworks for effective, universally adoptable solutions and innovating, we can enable transparent, reliable, easy to use, secure and environmentally friendly container transportation services. We believe in open communication. Attending events and organising information sessions, we aim to share insights and explain our standards within the supply chain environment. It's not just about setting standards; it's about practical solutions and fostering collaboration across the container shipping landscape.
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About me

My organisation

DCSA is a non-profit, independent organisation established in 2019 by 9 of the 10 largest container shipping companies. Our mission is to shape the digital future of container shipping by being the industry’s collective voice, working towards alignment and standardisation.

By setting frameworks for effective, universally adoptable solutions and innovating, we can enable transparent, reliable, easy to use, secure and environmentally friendly container transportation services.

We believe in open communication. Attending events and organising information sessions, we aim to share insights and explain our standards within the supply chain environment. It's not just about setting standards; it's about practical solutions and fostering collaboration across the container shipping landscape.

Social media

Areas of Activities


Information and Communication TechnologyMaritime and Inland waterways transport



Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024

CL5-2024-D6-01-06: Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transportCL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable wayCL5-2024-D6-01-09: Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systemsCL5-2024-D6-01-08: Improved transport infrastructure performance – Innovative digital tools and solutions to monitor and improve the management and operation of transport infrastructure