ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Nicoleta Capbun

IT & C Sales Manager

Beia Consult International

Bucharest, Romania

2 profile visits

I am a dynamic and results-driven research person with valuable cross - functional experience gained in IT & C business development and project management.

My organisation

Beia Consult International is a Romanian based company that enables integrated, flexible and scalable telecommuncation and telemetric solutions. This requires us to  develop modular hardware and software solutions using advanced technologies. We are a R&D performing SME, active part involved in smart mobility area HORIZON development: VITAL5G, 5G-SAFE-PLUS, MobiWay, SOLD B5G, SARWS, IMMINENCE, FOR-FREIGHT. Strong area expertise: Cloud and embedded M2M (Machine 2 Machine) ; Field Interface Unit – communications server; client application (fleet management, data monitoring and command), human machine interface. Scalable Radio Transceiver for Instrumental Wireless Sensor Networks
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About me

Bucharest University degree- School of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies , I am a dynamic and results-driven person with valuable cross - functional experience gained in IT & C business development. Active part involved in E.U. project management's activity I chose to give a boost to my current knowledge of renewable energy sources, power quality and power electronics. Shortlist of my background : European Horizon Projects with several exclusive fields of interest: Digital Transformation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Environment and Smart City & Energy, Transport and Logistic.

My organisation

Beia Consult International

Beia Consult International is a Romanian based company that enables integrated, flexible and scalable telecommunication and telemetric solutions. This requires us to  develop modular hardware and software solutions using advanced technologies. We are a R&D performing SME, active part involved in smart mobility area HORIZON development: VITAL5G, 5G-SAFE-PLUS, MobiWay, SOLD B5G, SARWS, IMMINENCE, FOR-FREIGHT. Strong area expertise:
Cloud and embedded M2M (Machine 2 Machine) ;
Field Interface Unit – communications server; client application (fleet management, data monitoring and command), human machine interface.
Scalable Radio Transceiver for Instrumental Wireless Sensor Networks

Social media


  • communication, public relations, consultancy
  • b2mach, networking, opportunity development


  • innovation tools, green energy

Areas of Activities




Regional ClustersEuropean Research Association

Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024

CL5-2024-D5-01-04: Integrated flexible multipoint megawatt charging systems for electric truck mass deploymentCL5-2024-D5-01-06: New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicle (2ZERO Partnership)CL5-2024-D6-01-06: Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transportCL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable wayCL5-2024-D6-01-09: Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systemsCL5-2024-D6-01-08: Improved transport infrastructure performance – Innovative digital tools and solutions to monitor and improve the management and operation of transport infrastructure