Aviation and Space Symposium St. Gallen 2024

11 Sept 2024 | St. Gallen, Switzerland

Wednesday, 11 September 2024 | 11:00 - 12:15

Symposium: AVIATION Track I: Future Aviation – State of Research

Symposium AVIATION
49 participants

11:00 11:05 Auditorium Intro: Future Aviation - State of Research Dr. Andreas Wittmer (Conferencier)

11:05 11:20 Next-Generation Airline Business Models Florian Erbach (LH Consulting)

11:20 11:35 Willingness to Pay for Leisure Air Travel Alessandro Buchmann (Associate, CFAC-HSG)

11:35 11:50 Sustainable Aviation Fuel in the Business Travel Market Dr. Adrian Müller (Senior Researcher, UNIBE)

11:50 12:15 Panel Discussion (incl. Jan-Christian Schraven, SWISS International Airlines)

3 speakers

  • Andreas Wittmer

    Managing Director

    Center for Aviation and Space, University of St. Gallen

  • Alessandro Buchmann

    Research Assistant at the University of St.Gallen (HSG)

    Center for Aviation and Space Competence at the University of St.Gallen (CFAC-HSG)

  • Adrian Müller

    Scientific Project Lead

    Universität Bern

Location image

Session location Auditorium