Hannes Raddatz


Adaept Engineering

Rostock, Germany

3 profile visits

Industry 4.0 Specialist, Embedded Hardware- und Software-Engineer, Standardization Group Member and Founder of Adaept Engineering


Hannes Raddatz is an industry 4.0 engineer with a focus on research and development in areas including hardware and software development for embedded systems, secure web services, smart home technologies, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). He has contributed to various publications in these fields, indicating a deep engagement with cutting-edge technologies and their application in industrial environments. Adding to his technical expertise, Raddatz is also the founder of Adaept Engineering, a company specializing in OPC UA solutions for machine manufacturers, underscoring his commitment to advancing industrial communication and integration with modern automation systems.

My organisation

Adaept Engineering assists companies in quickly and cost-effectively making new and existing machines OPC UA-capable. The founders have collaborated on research and development projects with industrial companies and now aim to enable other companies to offer products that support the modern communication standard. Adaept Engineering is a member of the OPC UA Foundation and participates in the standardization committees of the VDMA.

Social media


  • IIoT
  • Industry 4.0
  • OPC UA

Additional questions

Organization type


Areas of Activities

Industry sector

AutomotiveElectronicsEnergy Machinery & equipment SecuritySoftware development


ConsultancyResearchTechnology transfer Digitalization

Value Chain

Design / R&D / engineering Software & app development


Adaept Engineering

Start up

Rostock, Germany