Tudor Paul Scripor

Inventor of the tactile standardization of colors for the blind - the Scripor alphabet

Asociatia Alfabetul Scripor (Scripor Alphabet Association)

Cluj-Napoca, Romania



My organisation

Asociatia Alfabetul Scripor (Scripor Alphabet Association)


At the Scripor Alphabet Association, our commitment extends to enhancing accessibility to various sectors, including education, fashion, food, medicine, visual arts, sports, and more, through the innovative application of the tactile alphabet of colors. In collaboration with our beneficiaries and partners, we design products, services, and activities that prioritize accessibility, ensuring inclusivity for all, especially for individuals with visual impairments.

Our mission is centered on closing the gap between the sighted and individuals with visual impairments, actively working towards cultivating a society that champions equal opportunities for everyone.

Envisioning a transformative role, our goal is to be a catalyst for societal change, where diversity is not merely accepted but joyfully celebrated, and accessibility becomes an integral standard. Through continuous innovation and partnerships, we aim to introduce the tactile standardization of colors, sparking meaningful changes that contribute to a more equitable and interconnected world.

We are steadfast in our dedication to fostering positive transformations, with a focus on creating a global reality where individuals, irrespective of their abilities, have access to a spectrum of colored, inclusive, and accessible products, services, and activities.

Social media

Speaker sessions (2)

Thursday, 24 October 2024