Blue Economy Innovation and Investment Summit

2–4 Oct 2024 | Mombasa, Kenya

George Awalla

Business Lead - Horn of Africa


Kenya, Kenya

8 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

Fundraiser, writer, social commentator, MBA, Advocacy, 20 years fundraising experience, NGO leadership, Board chair-SDGs Kenya Forum, member ECW, & VALI Network


George has MBA degree in strategic management, BSc Agriculture Education & Extension; & finalising a Masters degree in Development Studies. George has fundraised for NGOs, delivered effective programmes on youth employability (blue and green economies), resilient Livelihoods, and management of donor funded international development programmes. George is a co-founder and co-chair of the SDGs Kenya Forum; an Executive Committee Member - Education Cannot Wait; Immediate former Chair of Values and Life Skills (VaLi) Network and a current Board member of Viwango - a civil society standards mechanism in Kenya. He has been involved in the development of Women Economic Empowerment Strategy for Kenya; and the National Volunteerism Policy; Youth Policies; Education Sector Policy for Learners and Trainees with disabilities;  among others.  He is also as a writer on development issues covering volunteerism,  governance, and social entrepreneurship. George enjoys writing online, and on traditional media and has been the development and governance writer for The Governor Magazine.

My organisation

VSO’s vision is A Fair World for Everyone. VSO brings people together to fight poverty and injustice through the lasting power of volunteering. Over the last 60 years, VSO has worked in over 90 countries with more than 90,000 volunteers and supported 80 million people. VSO globally runs programmes in Health, Resilient Livelihoods and Inclusive Education. Social accountability and Gender, Social Inclusion and Resilience are core approaches used in all VSO’s programme areas and project work. VSO works with citizens to generate data that informs development planning, and priorities. Citizens also use data for social accountability. VSO works towards making voices of the most marginalised in society count. Visit www.vsointernational.orgfor more on our work.

VSO promotes citizen voice, social accountability and social inclusion. VSO is a shareholder in the International Civil Society Center, and is involved in citizen generated data, and Leave No One Behind initiatives. VSO has been consistently working towards making all voices count, and inform development priorities, programmes and policies in Africa, and Asia.

Social media


  • #Fundraising
  • #YouthEmployment
  • #NGOs
  • #NGOLeadership
  • #YouthPolicy
  • #StrategicManagement
  • #Governance


  • #GreenJobs
  • #Fundraising
  • #YouthEmployment
  • #socialinclusion
  • #GreenSKills
  • #Governance
  • #SocialEnterpreneurship

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 3 October 2024

09:00 - 10:30

Sustainable ocean cities

Location:Johari Hall