Francisco Antonio Prieto Rodríguez
About me
My organisation
Since 1994, our purpose has been to meet the growing demand in the professional Telecommunications sector, with the clear objective of providing the best product and service to our customers. We began our journey alongside Telefónica, initially helping to create the necessary room structures, and then moving on to the installation of transmission and data equipment. Subsequently, new cable operators such as Supercable Andalucía, Vodafone, Amena, etc., emerged, and it was there where we contributed our knowledge and collaborated with these types of clients in their network deployment, both fixed and mobile.
Our company then grew from about 10 people to over 100, having to adapt very quickly from being a family business to a highly professionalized company. At that time, we opened branches in Córdoba for the maintenance of CATV headends for Supercable and also opened new branches in Tenerife and Las Palmas to provide better service to Telefónica in the islands.
SOSEIN has participated over the years in the deployment of fixed telephone networks such as the new FFTH, FUSIÓN, BNG, RED NURIA, RED RIMA, RED RUMBA, REDES NIVEL HL1, HL2, HL3, HL4, etc.
Regarding the mobile network of the operators of this service, we have participated in the network deployment from its inception, from the first TMA network, and over the years continuing with the deployments of UMTS, GSM, LTE, WiMAX, 4G, and 5G networks.
With the new needs of today’s society, these types of networks have expanded the bandwidth and services provided. We have experienced the generational change that began with a basic voice telephone network and 64 kbit telematic circuits to networks where traffic is now managed at the gigabyte level.
Currently, we are focused on broadband services, both in the installation of state-of-the-art equipment at the level of terarouters from different manufacturers, such as Nokia, Juniper, Cisco, etc.
At one point in its history, SOSEIN decided to open new lines of business, in this case in the industrial and manufacturing sector. We created a new manufacturing department with qualified technical staff, equipment, and the necessary means to carry out the design, manufacture, and installation of cabinets with high-quality finishes, complying with electrical standards, design, and FAT tests.
This latest future investment has paid off. Now, with new clients in a new sector for us, they have trusted our company and allowed us to accompany them in their international projects. We have collaborated on very relevant projects for us, which have made us grow in knowledge and experience, such as:
• Barcelona Metro
• AVE Tunnel in Perpignan, France
• Photovoltaic plants in Atacama, Chile
• Photovoltaic plants in Phoenix, USA
• Photovoltaic plants in Cutumbela, South Africa
• Photovoltaic plants in Kathu, South Africa
• Meteorological stations in airports in Saudi Arabia
• And we continue to work closely with our clients for new challenges.
Currently, SOSEIN manufactures more than 1000 cabinets per year of different sizes, including control panels, power panels, meteorological panels, battery panels, and communication panels.
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