BW meets UK | MEET & MATCH

6–7 Dec 2023 | Germany

Thursday, 7 December 2023 | 12:30 - 13:00

Unleashing the Power of Hydrogen in the Heating Transition

Format:Video conferencing
4 participants

The keynote addresses the challenges Germany faces in the transition to sustainable heating and emphasizes the need for innovative solutions. It examines existing technologies with a focus on the role of hydrogen in clean heating. A key highlight will be the presentation of the patented H2mc heating system, a cutting-edge solution designed to overcome current hurdles in the transition to sustainable heating.

Carina Holzapfel is the Co-Founder and CEO of H2MC.Heating, which specialises in affordable and climate-neutral heating solutions for existing buildings to make the energy transition possible for everyone. Ms Holzapfel introduces the technology and the prospects for the future of the startup H2MC.Heating.