Low temperature, high selectivity, ion free plasma cleaning and surface preparation solution for 3D parts
- R&D
- Others
- Electronics
- Special machines
- Aeronautics/Space
- Jewelry/Watch making
- Biomedical (orthopedics, dental…)
Besides designing, manufacturing and selling plasma-based etching, deposition and surface preparation and cleaning solutions to Academics and R&D centers throughout the world, Plasma-Therm Europe acts as the innovation center of US-based equipment manufacturer Plasma-Therm LLC.
As such we participate to a French collaborative R&D project (TSIAS) in which we provide innovative Plasma cleaning solution for 3D ceramic-based parts preliminary for medical market but all industries who are looking to transition from Wet to environmental friendly dry processing and in need for small geometry cleaning resolution.
Engineering / training
Kiln / thermal treatment:
Finishing/ surface treatment/ Coatings:
Raw materials
Low temperature, high selectivity, ion free plasma cleaning and surface preparation solution for 3D parts