CIVITAS Forum 2024

1–3 Oct 2024 | Parma, Italy

Evangelos Mitsakis

Research Director

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH-HIT)

Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece

2 profile visitsSpeaker

I hold a PhD in Civil and Transportation Engineering, with a focus on dynamic road traffic management and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

About me

Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis is Research Director at CERTH-HIT. He is Head of Laboratory “B3 - Infrastructure and traffic management in land transport” as well as Deputy Head of “Department B - Infrastructure, Networks, Mobility and Logistics”. He holds a diploma in civil engineering and a doctorate degree (PhD) in transport engineering. His interests cover two main research lines. The first one includes Intelligent Transport Systems, both at traffic management and control and at traveler information level, while in the recent years he works on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and Connected and Automated Mobility Systems. The second research line is related to impact assessment of climate change on transport systems and networks. He participates in several national and international R&D projects, several results of which have been implemented in various cities in Europe and in Greece. He is the author of several scientific publications in peer reviewed journals and conferences. He is member of committees and expert groups related to topics of Intelligent Transport Systems abroad (e.g. ERTICO, ECTRI, TRB, IEEE and others) and in Greece, including the expert committees for the National ITS Strategy and National ITS Architecture. He is also immediate past elected President of the National Intelligent Transport Systems Association ITS Hellas (2018-2019), while currently he serves as Vice President and Treasurer.

My organisation

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH-HIT)

The Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) is part of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) which is a non-profit organization that directly reports to the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI), of the Greek Ministry of Development.

HIT's main objective is the conduct and support of applied research activities in the field of transportation in Greece, more specifically on issues relating to the organization, operation, planning and development of infrastructure, the standardization, economic analysis, management, vehicle technology and the impact assessment of land, maritime, air, and multimodal transport services. HIT's services also include the provision of training and education activities in related fields, the dissemination of research activities and the Representation of Greece in Transport Research and other relevant scientific fora abroad.

Social media

Additional questions

Areas of Interest

Smart & Connected MobilityRoad Safety & SecurityPublic Participation & Co-CreationIntegrated & Inclusive PlanningDemand & Urban Space Management

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 3 October 2024

09:30 - 10:45

Session 16: Enhancing Traffic Management with Digital Twins and AI

Format:In-personLocation:Sala PizzettiTrack:Panel Discussion
  • Stream 2: Smart, connected and efficient mobility