Cathérine Sanspeur
Head of mobility department
Brasschaat, Belgium
With a background in communication, I led numerous community engagement initiatives, focusing on infrastructure, green spaces, and urban mobility.
About me
Information about Cathérine Sanspeur: Cathérine has been working for the municipality of Brasschaat for several years. She began as a communications expert, specifically focusing on projects related to local issues such as infrastructure, green spaces & nature, mobility, urban planning & housing, and heritage. These topics are of great concern to citizens and require extensive communication within the municipality.
Additionally, participation has been an important aspect of her role. Cathérine has frequently implemented participation processes as part of her communication work, forming a perfect foundation for her progression to head of the mobility department.
In her current position, Cathérine focuses on listening to various stakeholders and finding consensus among all parties. Participation is the perfect tool to align everyone. The collaboration with Suunta and Mobiel 21 is very smooth, allowing everyone to share their ideas and visions. The vision of Brasschaat is continuously used as a benchmark. Our strategic messages help us to move forward and make crucial decisions.
My organisation
Vision: Brasschaat is committed to providing an excellent quality of life. Moreover, we aim to be among the most pleasant municipalities in the broader region. People of all ages come to Brasschaat to live, work, attend school, engage in business, stay, and enjoy their leisure time. It feels like coming home to them.
Mission: Our mission outlines our core principles. In other words, what is our identity? Brasschaat offers excellent services to citizens, associations, and entrepreneurs. Customer friendliness and efficient (internal) organization are central to this. The municipality of Brasschaat achieves this by continuously learning, growing, improving, evolving, and innovating as an organization. Brasschaat realizes its ambitions. We also consistently use our values to accomplish our projects:
Our customer is central
We are:
Distinctive and innovative
Open and collaborative
Professional and responsible
Clearly future-oriented in a sustainable way
5 strategic messages:
The municipality is ready to assist you in 101 ways.
Brasschaat is a fantastic place to live, work, and enjoy life.
Together, we can achieve more.
Sustainability is important for everyone.
Innovation propels us forward.
- participation, communication, mobility
Additional questions
Areas of Interest
Speaker sessions (1)
Tuesday, 1 October 2024
14:45 - 16:00
Session 4: How can Community-driven Initiatives Fundamentally Reshape and Improve Urban Transportation Systems?
- Stream 3: Inclusive and safe mobility for all