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ServiceUpdated on 9 July 2024

CM2024-10: Circularity planning, strategies, testing/validation, and stakeholder mapping


The Centre for Sustainable Construction at the Danish Technological Institute is a leading non-profit "Research Technology Organisation", performing R&D dedicated to promoting sustainable building practices.

For CM2024-10, we can offer our expertise in circularity in the build environment, particularly concerning:

  1. Renovation as an alternative solution to demolition and new construction

  2. Integratation of circular strategies in renovation of buildings not originally BUILT for circularity

  3. Test and validation of material passport for recycled/reused materials that track the origin, composition, and quality of recycled and reused materials via testing and documentation to ensure compliance with standards and regulations. Material passports are a means of increasing transparency and trust in secundary materials
    4)  Stakeholder mapping within circularity: take best-practice examples and identifying enablers


  • Validator/Living Lab
  • Technology Partner
  • R&D Partner
  • Consultant


Danish Technological Institute

Research and Development Institution


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