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ServiceUpdated on 9 July 2024

CM2024-10: Behavioral Design and Ethnographic Studies


The Centre for Sustainable Construction at the Danish Technological Institute is a leading non-profit "Research Technology Organisation", performing R&D dedicated to promoting sustainable building practices.

For CM2024-10, we can offer our expertise in Behavioral design and Enthnogrpahic studies. Behavioral design includes design thinking, how can we work with processes as a design-tool, design for user-experience, iterative processes regarding prototype development and testing, and user acceptance. We can also employ ethnographic/anthropological methods to investigate qualitative description of the values, motives, bias and barriers that drive or hinder sustainable behavior on the basis of data collected from users to support participative design.


  • Technology Partner
  • R&D Partner
  • Consultant


Danish Technological Institute

Research and Development Institution


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