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Project cooperationUpdated on 11 August 2024

Experience in the mobiilty data space that we can exploit in the energy sector

Alexio Picco

Circle Group Managing Director at Circle SPA

genova, Italy


Circle has established itself as a prominent player in the field of data spaces, leveraging its deep expertise in the design, development, and deployment of digital ecosystems. With a particular focus on mobility data spaces, Circle has been at the forefront of initiatives that align with the European Union's vision for a digital and data-driven economy. One of the key projects under Circle's portfolio is the setting up of a European Digital Innovation Center (EDIC) focused on mobility data spaces. This initiative aims to create a collaborative and interoperable digital environment where data related to transportation and mobility can be seamlessly exchanged, shared, and utilized across different sectors and stakeholders.

The establishment of the EDIC on mobility data spaces is a significant milestone. This center acts as a hub for innovation, bringing together stakeholders from various domains to collaborate on developing new services and solutions that leverage mobility data. Through this initiative, Circle is contributing to creating a more connected and intelligent transportation system in Europe, which is crucial for reducing congestion, lowering emissions, and improving overall urban mobility.

The expertise that Circle has developed in the mobility data space can be directly translated and exploited in the energy data space, which is another critical area under the Digital Europe initiative. The principles of data interoperability, security, and collaboration that Circle has honed in the mobility sector are equally applicable to energy data. By leveraging its experience, Circle can facilitate the development of energy data spaces that enable the seamless exchange of information between different actors in the energy ecosystem, including grid operators, energy suppliers, consumers, and regulators.

In particular, the integration of mobility and energy data can lead to groundbreaking innovations in areas such as electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, smart grids, and renewable energy management. For example, by linking mobility data with energy consumption patterns, it is possible to optimize the deployment of EV charging stations and ensure they are powered by renewable energy sources during peak demand periods. Additionally, data-driven insights can help manage energy distribution more efficiently, reducing waste and lowering costs for consumers.

Furthermore, Circle's approach to fostering collaboration through EDICs can be replicated in the energy sector to bring together stakeholders and accelerate the development of smart energy solutions. By creating synergies between the mobility and energy data spaces, Circle is well-positioned to drive innovation and contribute to the EU's goals of achieving a sustainable and digitalized economy.

Circle's experience in data spaces, particularly in the mobility sector, provides a strong foundation for expanding its expertise into the energy data space. By applying the principles of interoperability, collaboration, and innovation, Circle can help create a more efficient, sustainable, and integrated digital ecosystem that benefits both the mobility and energy sectors. This cross-sectoral approach not only aligns with the EU's digital transformation goals but also paves the way for new opportunities in smart infrastructure and sustainable development.



  • CM2024-01: Data spaces and interoperability


  • R&D Partner
  • Consultant
  • Other

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