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ServiceUpdated on 10 September 2024

DOMX building demand management and monitoring platform

Stratos Keranidis

R&D Director at DOMX



The REMAP energy management platform of DOMX is a cloud solution that is based on open-source components (MQTT, InfluxDB, Kafka, OAuth 2.0), providing for demand management and monitoring of residential and commercial buildings, for electricity and natural gas. The REMAP platform collects, analyzes and stores data from various data sources, residing both on IoT hardware deployed at consumer premises and on cloud available data (remote databases, services, etc.). 

The REMAP platform also exposes the collected data to the DOMX smartphone application (Android and iOS) for end consumers and dashboards for facility and portfolio managers.

Through the continuous collection of energy data (consumption, savings) and non-energy data (comfort, air quality) on a common platform, key evaluation metrics can be automatically quantified for evaluating the effectiveness of the applied measures against the baseline period.


  • Validator/Living Lab
  • Technology Partner
  • R&D Partner
  • Demonstrator

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