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ServiceUpdated on 16 September 2024

Meteorology and Climate Risk Analysis

Yiğitalp KARA

Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

Samsun, Türkiye


Our meteorology services help clients assess and manage risks associated with extreme weather events and long-term climate shifts. We provide detailed meteorological analyses, risk maps, and forecasts to improve preparedness for natural hazards like storms, floods, or heatwaves. Using advanced weather models and climate data, we help public and private sectors in creating adaptive strategies to ensure resilience against the growing impacts of climate change. Our services also include early warning systems and decision support tailored to industry-specific needs such as agriculture, energy, and infrastructure.


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    Yiğitalp KARA

    Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

    Samsun, Türkiye

  • Service

    Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Implementation

    • Other
    • Investor
    • Consultant
    • R&D Partner
    • Demonstrator
    • Technology Partner
    • Validator/Living Lab
    • Project Conception and/or Coordination

    Yiğitalp KARA

    Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

    Samsun, Türkiye