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ServiceUpdated on 16 September 2024

Day-Ahead Energy Production Forecasting Using AI and Meteorological Variables

Yiğitalp KARA

Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

Samsun, Türkiye


Our service combines meteorological data and AI to provide day-ahead energy production forecasts, critical for renewable energy sectors such as wind and solar power. We utilize weather models to predict key variables like wind speed, solar radiation, and temperature, integrating them with AI models to enhance forecasting accuracy. This service is designed to optimize energy production, reduce uncertainty, and improve grid management. Energy producers, operators, and market analysts benefit from better demand forecasting and more efficient resource allocation, helping to maximize energy output while reducing costs.


  • Validator/Living Lab
  • Technology Partner
  • Project Conception and/or Coordination
  • R&D Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Consultant
  • Investor
  • Other


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    Yiğitalp KARA

    Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

    Samsun, Türkiye

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    Yiğitalp KARA

    Co-Founder | Research Assistant | Meteorological Engineer | Climate Expert at Polar Meteorological Consultancy and Engineering

    Samsun, Türkiye

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    • Technology Partner
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