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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

CM2023-08 - Regional case in Spain: photovoltaic energy with user and consumer structures (SRL 4-6)

Mayca de Castro

Research Institute for Local Development - University of Valencia

Valencia, Spain


Case based on an Energy Self-Supply Project where the need owners are at the centre. It includes a diversity of energy supplies, 80% of the real needs is going to be covered by a photovoltaic energy field that has already started its construction work. The case is also already part of the Project Micro4Biogas (REPowerEU programme). There is also a consumer structure already created. Our goal is to contribute to the portfolio of transition systems, being part of a project with other regions with similar conditions to our case study.

We are the Research Institute for Local Development of the University of Valencia (Spain). Our research lines cover a multitude of topics on human geography, circular economy, policy-making, territorial evaluation, tourism, creative industries, etc. During our almost 20 years of research experience, we have been part and led projects from different programmes (LIFE, ERASMUS+, ESPON, INTERREG, etc.).

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