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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

BEIA Consult International [Ro/Be/AT] www.beiaro.eu


BEIA Consult International [Ro/Be/AT] www.beiaro.eu
Extensive experience in telemetry applications based on WSNs to monitor environmental parameters (air, soil, water);
decision support systems;
EU-ETS studies concerning GHG emission assessment for Phase IV in industrial and residential sectors;
GHG emission assessment for cities, mitigation plans;
Impact assessment of the Policies and measures in the area of climate change;
Projections of GHG emissions and air pollutants for various sectors.

Romania’s Eighth National Communication under the UNFCCC:

Romania 's 5th Biennial report under the UNFCCC: https://unfccc.int/sites/defau...

BEIA Cloud platform demo: https://snapshots.raintank.io/...

Case studies air pollutants and GHG emission estimation: https://www.libelium.com/libel...

Contact: adrian.pasat@beia.ro | mihaela.balanescu@beia.ro


  • Technology Partner
  • Validator/Living Lab

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