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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Energy system modeling and water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus

Andrea Reimuth

Senior Scientist at LMU Munich - Department for Geography



The chair of Physical Geography and Nexus Research at LMU Munich investigates the causes of global change and its regional to global effects. The development of integrative methods for spatially distributed analysis of interacting processes at the earth's surface plays a central role. An improvement of the understanding of spatial interaction through process-oriented models is enabled by the use of modern monitoring techniques (e.g. remote sensing) and methods for the acquisition and processing of environmental information (e.g. GIS).

Our research areas include:

  • Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus

  • Integrated assessment modeling on global scale

  • Energy transition scenarios and climate-resilient pathways

  • Sustainability Assessments

  • Inter- and transdisciplinary focus

We are looking for partners in the fields:

  • Energy system flexibility: renewables production, storage and system integration

  • Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production

  • Hydrogen and renewable fuels

  • Integrated regional energy systems

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