HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Innovation management




In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, navigating the path to innovation requires more than just a great idea. NETO Innovation supports you to implement a holistic approach to innovation management:

  • In-depth market analysis and technology, market, and literature surveillance to keep your project ahead of the curve.

  • Tailored exploitation strategies adapted to your project, ensuring stakeholders' engagement and alignment with project objectives.

  • Fostering an environment of collaboration, to encourage the fusion of diverse ideas, ensuring your projects not only meet their goals but exceed them.

  • Innovation assessment framework to evaluate every facet of your initiatives, laying the groundwork for a compelling impact strategy.

  • To ensure your innovations reach the right audience, implementation of a communication and dissemination plans, and a robust stakeholder engagement strategies.


  • Project Conception and/or Coordination

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