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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Fatigue Behavior and Lifetime Prediction

Jörg Kaspar

Group Leader Materials and Failure Analysis at Fraunhofer IWS



A core objective of our modern industrial society is the sustainable and resource-efficient use of materials. This goes hand in hand with the reliable prediction of the service life of mechanically stressed components and structures. Our solutions for the design and dimensioning of safety and function-relevant components include time-shortened test procedures, the mapping of realistic stresses at the laboratory level and the evaluation of irregularities and defects in the material or component, in the sense of “as good as necessary“ instead of “as good as possible“.
- Efficient Property Screening through High-Frequency Fatigue Testing
- Lifetime Prediction through Defect Analysis
- Material and Component Testing under Combined Torsional-Axial Loading


  • Project Conception and/or Coordination
  • R&D Partner

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