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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Contribution of QBivio Micro ORC to the Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023

Ersoy Yüksel

Gözalıcı Energy Ltd.



As a participant in the Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023, QBivio brings a cutting-edge solution to the table with its Micro ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) technology. This innovative technology holds great promise for accelerating the transition to clean and sustainable energy sources. Here's how Qbivio Micro ORC can make a significant contribution to the partnership's objectives:

  1. Efficient Resource Utilization: Qbivio's Micro ORC systems are designed to efficiently harness low-temperature heat sources, such as waste heat from industrial processes or renewable energy from geothermal and solar thermal systems. By converting these underutilized heat sources into electricity, Qbivio promotes the efficient use of available resources, reducing energy wastage.

  2. Decentralized Energy Generation: Micro ORC systems offer a decentralized approach to energy generation. They can be deployed in various settings, including industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and remote areas. This decentralization reduces transmission and distribution losses, enhancing energy resilience and reducing grid dependency.

  3. Environmental Impact Reduction: By utilizing low-temperature heat sources and renewable energy, Qbivio Micro ORC systems contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating environmental impact. They align perfectly with the partnership's goals of reducing carbon footprints and promoting clean energy technologies.

  4. Local Economic Development: The adoption of Qbivio Micro ORC technology can stimulate local economic development. Installation, maintenance, and servicing of these systems create job opportunities within the region, strengthening the local economy and supporting community growth.

  5. Scalability and Adaptability: Qbivio's modular Micro ORC systems are scalable and adaptable to varying energy needs. This flexibility allows for tailored solutions that align with the partnership's diverse projects and applications.

  6. Technology Advancement: As part of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023, Qbivio commits to ongoing research and development. This commitment fosters technological advancement, ensuring that Micro ORC systems remain at the forefront of clean energy solutions.

  7. Energy Access in Remote Areas: Micro ORC systems are particularly valuable for providing electricity in remote and off-grid locations where traditional power infrastructure is lacking. They help extend energy access to underserved communities, promoting social equity.

In summary, Qbivio's Micro ORC technology offers an efficient, scalable, and environmentally friendly solution for clean energy generation. By harnessing low-temperature heat sources and promoting decentralized energy production, Qbivio's contribution to the Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023 aligns with the partnership's objectives of accelerating the transition to sustainable and clean energy sources while fostering economic growth and environmental stewardship.

Qbivio is dedicated to collaborating within the partnership to advance clean energy solutions and drive positive change in the global energy landscape.

Feel free to tailor and expand upon this explanation based on the specific goals and focus areas of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023.


  • Technology Partner

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