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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024




FITES stands as a scalable thermal energy storage technology designed for energy-efficient buildings. Featuring adaptive façade technology, the system not only equips the building with an energy-efficient adaptive façade but also facilitates the storage of thermal energy derived from solar power through this façade. The innovative aspect of the technology lies in its ability to correlate the thermal energy that can be stored, based on specific climate conditions and building types, with the surface area of the façade. This inherent "scalability" allows for the development of design models that can be linked to TES (Thermal Energy Storage) systems using digital tools such as BIM (Building Information Modeling), taking into account climate conditions and façade-related factors such as heat loss and solar irradiation. Consequently, FITES offers tailored solutions for a wide range of climates and building types.

This project aims to enable low-temperature thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems using a low-temperature grade heating-cooling (LowEx) system. By doing so, the technical challenges regarding both the storage volume and duration of the TES system will be overcome, making an economical TES possible. With low-temperature TES, both building energy efficiency will be increased, and the integration of low-quality RES resources with TES will be achieved.


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Validator/Living lab
  • Consultant
  • Investor

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