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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Smart Solutions For Data Centers

aytac erdogan

Business development


As a leading R&D company, we specialize in providing a comprehensive range of products and systems specifically designed for data centers, technical buildings, critical facilities, and Telecom & GSM infrastructures. Our offerings include Power Distribution Units (PDU) and Intelligent PDUs, Environmental Monitoring Systems, Battery Management Systems, Leak Detection Systems, and Central Management Software. We are constantly doing R&D projects to create networked temperature, environmental and power monitoring and management solutions for data centers and related IT-infrastructures. We have an office and production location in Istanbul, Turkey and an office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, covering the EMEA.

A significant portion of our revenues flows back to our R&D department to further improve our solutions. We offer high-quality, customizable solutions such as environmental monitoring, systems, basic and intelligent rack power distribution units (PDUs) and battery management software (BMS).

Our solutions are deployed in high-density and complex IT infrastructures like data centers, computer- or server rooms, MERs and SERs and remote locations such as branch offices and GSM-stations. References include Turkcell, Turk Telecom, Vodafone.

Our solutions enable you to:
+ Prevent downtime due to overloads or human error
+ Identify hot spots or overcooling
+ Optimally balance loads per rack
+ Identify ghost servers, high power consumption equipment and stranded capacity (reduced energy costs)
+ Comply with Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
+ Enhance lifetime of your batteries


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Other

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