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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Process Intensification in Carbon Capture via Rotating Packed Bed (RPB) - Lab-scale investigation, CFD simulation and Process simulation


Our group has already a setup of the lab-scale rotating packed bed using a novel amines solution for carbon removal. This project was funded by DST, India. We have designed and fabricated a lab-scale system of rotating packed with a single rotor system to handle the maximum gas flow rate of 5 m3/hr and maximum rotational speed of 1500 rpm.  Hydrodynamics, liquid visualisation and carbon removal efficiency are conducted using a lab-scale rotating packed bed system. Furthermore, CFD modelling of hydrodynamics, mass transfer and reactive mass transfer in the rotating packed bed is conducted using both the volume of fluid (VOF) multiphase modelling and Eulerian porous media approaches. The hydrodynamics characteristics in terms of liquid flow patterns and holdup in the rotating packed bed are studied using the volume of fluid (VOF) method . In the case of reactive mass transfer, CO2 capture efficiency is obtained using Eulerian multiphase porous media approach. The model results are validated with the experimental data for different liquid loads and rotating speeds. A process simulation of the post-combustion CO2 capture system using RPB is performed using Aspen plus to study techno-economic feasibility analysis. The simulation of a rotating packed bed is studied using empirical correlations available in the literature for the liquid holdup, mass transfer and pressure drop via user-defined subroutine. The model validation is validated with the literature.  Finally, to compare performance, the economic analysis between the convectional post-combustion CO2 capture system and the intensified system is studied.


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