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Project cooperationUpdated on 4 June 2024

Material Solutions (High Entropy Alloy Cladding) for new 100% hydrogen production, transmission to improve the safety, lengthen life of new H2 infrastructure

Janos Adonyi

Senior Professor


Beyond smart solutions of mixing H2 into natural gas lines, using LOHC and other carriers, coating the interior of existing and future H2 tubular sections with metal, oxides, and polymers could be the answer to new 21,000 km of new pipeline predicted by the Energy Backbone alliance. However, new High Entropy Alloys (HEA) show additional promise by presenting low H+ permeability, as well as high H+ trapping potential in tailored multi-layer deposits which could double the lifetime of clad/coated steels. Our alliance consists of material scientists from Jönköping University and University West, additive manufacturing and laser metal deposition experts from Fraunhofer Institute and Bay Zoltan Institute, as well as users from the Hungarian Natural Gas company, willing to test HEA clad pipe in actual hydrogen industrial use. Starting with existing complex composition HEAs deposited on the ID of seamless pipe, coating permeation, adhesion, integrity, etc. will be tested in actual hydrogen gas. If successful, this HEA clad/carbon steel roll-bonded product should be cost-effective when compared to stainless steels or other 'clever' alternatives. We need a SWEDISH INDUSTRIAL partner, energy user or distributor, to be able to apply for Swedish Energy Agency funding!


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