Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024
Glass-based Luminescent solar concentrators for BIPV Applications
Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) step forward as a promising solution to increase the energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic systems by decreasing the unit area of solar cells and increasing the number of useful incident photons. Lanthanide and/or quantum dot doped glass nanocomposites (GNCs) have a great potential to be used as alternative host/waveguide materials for LSC applications. In this project we aim to develop GNC-based LSCs and to evaluate their potential for practical applications in the built environment. With this aim, GNCs will be synthesized and coupled with solar cells (standard silicon cells, CIGS and perovskite solar cells) in different configurations to construct LSC systems. Effect of LSCs on energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic systems will be investigated and evaluated. Synthesis of GNCs and testing of different device configurations in GNC waveguides to increase optical performance of LSCs and their integration in building windows set the scientific quality and novelty of the project. The YTU Glass Research Group ( and ODTU GUNAM Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications ( bring a wealth of expertise in synthesizing GNCs, exploring and enhancing their photoluminescence (PL) characteristics, and integrating them into solar cells. This strong foundation will serve as a pivotal platform for evaluating these materials for LSCs.
We are looking for a partner from academia or industry to apply for this project together. We expect the partner to have expertise at least in one of the following fields
investigation and/or evaluation of LSCs on energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic systems
integration of small/large scale LSCs to renewable energy technologies for BIPV applications
production of GNCs in larger scale for building facades
- R&D Partner
- Technology Partner
- Demonstrator
- Validator/Living lab
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