HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Christian May

Business Development

Fraunhofer FEP

Dresden, Germany

37 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

Coordinator Flexfunction2Sustain OITB


Dr. Christian May is acting as the Business and Strategy Development Manager at Fraunhofer FEP. He studied Physical Metallurgy at Freiberg University of Mining and Technology and received his PhD there in 1999. From 1997 he was with a vacuum coating system supplier as project manager dealing with large area thin film deposition. Since 2003 he is with Fraunhofer. Beside several management positions his development work was and is focused on technologies, processes and applications for large area devices with organic semiconductors, especially flexible OLED lighting, organic and perovskite solar cells as well as biodegradable electronics in sheet-to-sheet and roll-to-roll technology. On European level he is acting as the consortium coordinator of the Horizon 2020 funded Open Innovation Test Bed project FlexFunction2Sustain.

My organisation

The Dresden based Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP focuses on developing innovative solutions, technologies and processes for surface modification. For the development of solutions for various industrial tasks in surface treatment and vacuum coating we use our core competencies in Electron Beam Technologies, Sputter Technologies and Plasma Surface Technologies. We offer a broad range of research, development and pilot manufacturing opportunities, especially for the treatment, structuring and finishing of surfaces.

Social media

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesprovide technological cleaner solutions for storage technologiesprovide technological cleaner solutions for hydrogen and renewable fuelsprovide technological cleaner solutions for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation)provide enhanced and improved heating & cooling technologies and systems


Fraunhofer FEP

Research and Development Institution

Dresden, Germany