HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Martin Scherfler

Executive Director

Auroville Consulting


5 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project


My organisation

Auroville Consulting (AVC) is a unit of the Auroville Foundation. It provides comprehensive consulting and advisory services for project developers, manufacturers and policy makers engaged in ecologically and socially responsible development areas, including Research & Innovation, Strategic & Operational Planning, Implementation, Communication, Documentation & Design, Capacity Building, Policy Advice & Liaison. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, AVC creates unique solutions in the domains of sustainable resource management (energy & water) and sustainable management practices.

AVC is located at Auroville, an international township in development located in Tamil Nadu, India. At Auroville, AVC manages the Auroville Smart Mini Grid initiatives, a community energy system that aims at integrating distributed energy systems, energy storage and demand flexibility to be able to operate in islanding mode, if and when required, and to achieve net zero energy emission by 2030.

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop and validate integrated regional and local energy systems, NoREST initiativeprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system


Auroville Consulting

Living lab / testing facility


Marketplace (1)