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Andrea Baliello

Research Fellow

University of Padova

Padova, Italy

1 profile visitPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project


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University of Padova


The Department of Chemical Sciences of University of Padova has an internationally recognized leading role in the development of interdisciplinary aspects of chemical sciences with research projects supported by Italian and European funding. DiSC researchers contribute to molecular sciences for health, alternative energy sources, catalysis, sustainable chemistry, sensors and biomedical diagnostics. The Department was ranked second among the Chemistry departments of major Italian Universities in the national evaluation report analyzing the quality of research (VQR 2011-14) and holds a relevant position in various international rankings: According to Nature Index 2017, DiSC, among Italian chemical departments with 100 ISPD, has the highest scientific production quality). DiSC has been selected as Department of excellence by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research Systems) to access 271 million euros provided annually, for the five-year period from 2018-2022, to strengthen and enhance research excellence. Our Department was one of the 180 italian departments selected to access these funds.


University of Padova


Padova, Italy